
Mechanicsburg PA child photographer Karissa Zimmer specializes in children’s photography in Harrisburg, Camp Hill, Carlisle, Hershey and surrounding Central PA. Karissa Zimmer Photography offers a custom, full-service newborn photography experience.

Baby Photographer in Mechanicsburg Pa

Baby Photographer in Mechanicsburg Pa | The Milestone you shouldn't miss.

As a baby Photographer in Mechanicsburg Pa, I'm going to give you my best new parent advice. The 6th month old "sitter" milestone is the one you shouldn't miss! As in THIS IS THE CUTEST PHASE EVER! Like, hire a professional photographer NOW type of important! Whether you had your baby photographed as a newborn or not, the 6th month old milestone of your baby's life is absolutely one you will want to have visual memories of forever. I can promise you. This stage, when your baby is able to sit up by her/himself, nearly unassisted is the perfect time to document some of the cutest memories you will have. Six month sitter sessions offer the best, most animated smiles and expressions. Babies are almost always just so happy and pleasant at this age! It is literally the best!

If you can't take my word for it, no worries. I have no trouble providing you with one of the most adorable 6 month old sitter examples EVER! This absolute doll baby is Sienna. Really, I can only describe her as the most perfect baby doll I've ever seen. She was such a happy girl. But, her gorgeous, bright blue eyes and her amazing dark hair is what I first fell in love with. Then, she little personality shines through! I'd scoop her right up and keep her if I was allowed! Ready to have your heart burst with crazy amounts of cuteness? Ready or not...Meet Sienna!

Will your baby be approaching the 6-7 month milestone soon? I would love to be your baby photographer!

If the answer is yes, now is the perfect time to start planning. It is never really too early! In fact, the earlier the better! It is best to reserve this type of session 1-4 months in advance. I customize each session especially for you and your baby. These are the images you'll want hanging on your walls where you can see them each and every time you walk into your home. I promise - they will make you smile every single day!

Get in touch with me now to start planning your baby's 6 month old "sitter" session.

I would love to work with you and will walk you through my process from consultation to delivery of your image art work. First, send me a quick message HERE to get in touch! I can't wait to meet you and your little love!

Follow along to see more baby photographer sneak peeks...

Want to catch more sneak peeks of my 6th month old sessions and many more? Click INSTAGRAM to follow me!

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Newborn-Maternity-Family and High School Senior Photographer in Mechanicsburg PA

Newborn-Maternity-Family and High School Senior Photographer in Mechanicsburg PA | 2019 year in review!

As a Newborn-Maternity-Family and High School Senior Photographer in Mechanicsburg PA 2019 was awesome! I’ve captured some of my most favorite images this year. I’ve snuggled, loved and photographed some of the most adorable babies in all of Central PA! I am totally sure of it! I’ve giggled with kiddos, ran around like a nut with toddlers, channeled my youthful soul while capturing high school senior pictures and watched my repeat client families grow up a little more this year. I mean, it will be hard for me to write this post without a few tears. Guys – this is not just my job. This is a genuine labor of love here. Some will say “you shouldn’t be emotionally connected to your job,” but I disagree. I do this with my whole heart. I look back on a year and feel so blessed to have crossed paths with each and every one of my clients. Some it was for the very first time and others who feel like they’ve become old friends. You guys are all gold to me. Every one of you holds a special place in this photographer’s heart of memories.

Now, for a moment of transparency…because, let’s be real-2019 wasn’t all sunshine, unicorns and glitter. It included some unexpected hurdles to jump at times- I guess you could say. This 2019 year required some serious faith to get through the things that are out of my control and the drive to conquer all that is within it. With those two things, the most amazing family, a few very close friends and a whole handful of the greatest clients any photographer could have – Here I am! Happy, healthy, and ready to take on 2020 and all it’s new adventures!

All of these moments that we turned into tangible, keepsake memories mean everything.

Not only to you, but to me. I have a genuine value for family and the people we love most. I know how much it will mean to you forever to have these memories of the babies,children, spouses and EVEN PUPPIES you love. Time will change us all. We’ll grow older as will our children. These moments you allowed me to capture for you are frozen forever. That is priceless. Thank you for trusting me to capture these memories for you this year. Thank you for allowing me to guide you through this process and allow me to help you choose tangible, heirloom artwork for your home so that your children’s children will have these special family memories. They’ll be just as important to you decades from now as they are today!

Let’s talk about 2020!

As we say goodbye to 2019 it’s important to plan for the future! Silly resolution time, I know! But, I’m excited! I’ve got big plans for the new year and I’m looking forward to connecting with all of you who will be a part of it! I will, however, be scheduling limited sessions each month. This keeps me on my A game so that I can give each of you a personal and custom portrait experience. Most important, I’m a mom myself, so being present for my daughter is my biggest priority. I’m all about “being the best version of ourselves” and a good start for me is by not overfilling my plate. I want to give everyone I care about the best version of me! So, with that being said…plan, plan, plan ahead! Yep, I know…lots of us a procrastinators, but it’s best to book your session several months in advance! If you’re expecting a baby this year – it is best to schedule your newborn session before your 3rd trimester. That way, all is set when baby arrives! Newborn session openings fill FAST! If you’re thinking ahead to spring and summer – now is a great time to get the planning started! It is MY MOST FAVORITE time of the year for family photography! Absolutely, positively the most beautiful time of the year! And Fall…welll….i’m still recovering from the past few months. We’ll revisit the idea of fall again soon! Hahaha!

Let’s chat about your family!

I’d love to chat about what makes your family special and how we can capture that for you. I’ll sit down with you and carefully plan all the details to how we will photograph your special people. I’ll walk you through my entire portrait process. Send me a quick message HERE to get in touch with me!

Do you follow me on INSTAGRAM? Catch all the sneak peeks and fun updates there!

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Family photography Harrisburg PA | Karissa Zimmer Photography

Family photography Harrisburg PA

I love shooting family photography Harrisburg PA. I had so much fun working with this super sweet, easy going family! The Fenwick family contacted me last winter to set up their family photography session for this spring. I love how excited they were to have their family memories captured. Mother Nature may have pushed us back a few weeks with what seemed like an eternal winter followed by RAIN, RAIN, RAIN...but once she got her act together, we were able to capture some beautiful images for this family to cherish forever!

If you've been following me, you may already know just how passionate I am about helping my clients dress their walls of their homes with portraits of their family. Together, the Fenwick's and I put together two beautiful walls for them to enjoy and cherish every time they walk into their home. This is by far, one of my favorite parts of my portrait process! When my clients are able to see exactly how their family photos will look, framed on their walls, before they make their investment. I love taking all the guesswork out of this process, so that when it's time for me to hang their portraits they already know they're going to LOVE them!

It's no secret that one of my absolute favorite heirloom products that I offer are framed prints by The Organic Bloom! I can create something for everyone with these beautiful frames. I love them so much that my own home is decked wall to wall with The Organic Bloom Frames. These frames can truly be quite simple or ornate to meet anyone's style!

My favorite season of all is in full swing! I love, love, love summer portraits! I love everything about shooting family photo sessions in the summer. There's nothing like evening summer light, warm weather and greens with pops of color. If there was only one season I could choose to photography my own child it would be summer! Send me a quick message to start planning your family's summer portrait session!

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Lucas {Mechanicsburg Pa Children’s Portraits}

It's an honest fact that i'm passionate about creating children's portraits...I'm even more excited about it when it's for someone I love!

Lucas is a special little guy to me.  He belongs to one of my nearest and dearest friends.  I love watching my all of my friend's babies grow up and being able to capture these special phases for them to cherish forever.

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We couldn't have had a more perfect evening for his fall portrait session. It was such a late fall with all the warm temperatures (that we're now paying for- with these FREEZING temps!) and were so lucky that his November shoot was bursting with brilliant colors!

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One of my favorite parts of my portrait process is being able to show my clients how their finished images will look on the walls of their own home. Of course, my absolute favorite product that I offer and love show show are The The Organic Bloom frames.  Lucas' portraits look so beautiful finished and framed in Organic Bloom frames. Portraits of the ones you love are meant to be printed and displayed on the walls of your home where they can be cherished and enjoyed everyday!

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It's never too early to start planning a custom portrait session for your children and family. Although I love Fall Portrait sessions a ton...I  really love SPRING and SUMMER sessions even more! The weather is comfortable, Spring and Summer lighting is beautiful and there isn't a need for layers of clothing!  Send me a message here and we'll work together to plan a special portrait session to capture your family's story forever.

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Fall Family Portraits {Mechanicsburg, Pa Family Photography}

Fall family portraits are in full swing and I'm super excited to share this adorable family!  It's not so convincing with the very warm temperatures lately, but OCTOBER is here.  We totally could have been fooled that it's Fall on the day of this family's session.  It was hot, humid and the mosquitos were in fierce attack mode!  These guys handled it well...especially Miss Lucy.  When I say that she is the best baby, I am totally 100% serious! She joined her mama for her consultation and reveal/ordering session in addition to their portrait session.  She is a trooper who doesn't make a single fuss.  Just an easy going little girl! And a little girl who loves her puppy... I'm sure many of you might agree that babies and dogs make for the best pictures!Fall Family Portraits Mechanicsburg Pa Family Photography Camp Hill Family Pictures_4Fall Family Portraits Mechanicsburg Pa Family Photography Camp Hill Family Pictures_5Fall Family Portraits Mechanicsburg Pa Family Photography Camp Hill Family Pictures_3Fall Family Portraits Mechanicsburg Pa Family Photography Camp Hill Family Pictures_1Fall Family Portraits Mechanicsburg Pa Family Photography Camp Hill Family Pictures_2

It's no doubt that Fall is the absolute most popular time of year for family portraits! If you know a family photographer, then you likely know that we get a little crazy this time of year! That's not an understatement! Haha! I'd love to create some forever memories for your family with custom portraits and heirloom artwork! Please send me a quick message Here to set up a consultation and plan your family's portrait session!

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Gibson Family Portrait Session

There is no doubt that I love to photograph The Gibson family portrait session each year! I can say with all honesty that this family is very special to me.  This is our 7th photo session together!  I first met them when I photographed Taylor, their oldest (and only!) daughter for the cover of Central Penn Parent Magazine when she was in middle school.  Now, she is about to begin her first year in college!  One of my absolute favorite things about being a portrait photographer is the opportunity to develop a relationship with families and capture how they grow and change over the years.  This year, the Gibson clan grew by one more adorable little guy!  All three little boys are extremely blessed to have a big sis like Taylor! I don't think I've ever met a big sister who is anything like her.  The love she has for her little brothers is without a doubt, something very, very special!  Each year, I walk away from their session with a smile on my face, and my heart full.  The Gibsons are a family who truly love one another AND they know how to have FUN together!

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This is probably one of my favorite sibling bonds ever <3

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The littlest Gibson and all his cuteness!!!

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Love and laughter! My favorite combo <3

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The part that makes what I do most worthwhile is that I know the Gibson's cherish the memories we capture, forever.  The walls of their home tell their family's story perfectly.


Every family is special. Portraits of the people you love are the most invaluable possessions you can own.  Let's work together to capture and tell your family's special story.  Send me a message here to chat about planning your own custom portrait session!

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Portraits Of Your Family Are Invaluable

I'm on a roll! This NEVER happens that I am editing and sharing images of my own child twice in one week!  As I dedicate my life to capturing and preserving memories for my clients and their families, I realize just how important it is to share the value of portraits in my own life as well.  This is the little girl who lights up my world everyday.  She the person that gives me purpose.  The main reason I get up everyday and do what I do.  The memories I capture of her at this age and every age (past and future) mean everything to me.  Images of my daughter are what I have to remember her at all of the stages of her life as she grows, changes, and moves on to something new.  I could never imagine not having the printed memories I have of her to look back on.  Printed portraits of your family are invaluable.  They will mean everything someday!

Family Photography baby photographer Mechanicsburg PA Newborn photographer Family PhotosWhen you're 9...There is so much joy in twirling in a pretty white dress!

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Let's work together to create some forever memories for your family! Send me a message to start planning your family's special portrait session.

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Summer Memories

It's not often that I share personal images, but I think it is important to do sometimes. Especially summer memories! This is the little person who holds my heart. She's growing up so fast yet when I see these images it reminds me of her pure, young, sweet spirit.  I was so blessed to be able to spend lots of time enjoying my daughter this summer and creating these memories at our favorite place.  I hate to think these beach days are over and we're almost ready to wrap up the summer and send our babies back to school.  The end of this season is always the most dreaded part of the year to me!  I will cherish the memories I have from the summer 17' with my little girl forever and ever.  I know I say it ALL the time, but please stop growing up, Madalyn! Newborn Photography baby photographer Mechanicsburg PA Newborn photographer_0038


The memories you capture of your family in print will mean absolutely everything to you someday. I'd love to work with you to create something special. Something that you and your children will have forever to remember their childhood.  Send me a message here and let's chat about how we will tell your family's story!

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Harrisburg Family Portraits

The Garton family were perfect models for my Harrisburg Family Portraits Model call!  I couldn't have possibly asked for a better fit.Harrisburg Family Portraits Harrisburg Family Photography Portratis model call Mechanicsburg Family Photographer Mechanicsburg Family Portraits Family Pictures_0028I love to be able to laugh, be silly and connect with my families.  Especially children!  These kiddos were so super fun, witty, full of smiles and well-mannered too!  They truly were a family photographer's dream!  Together, we chose Shipoke as the location for the Garton's Harrisburg Family Portraits. I loved everything about this session!  Harrisburg Family Portraits Harrisburg Family Photographer Mechanicsburg PA Family Photography Child Photographer 17050 Photography 17050 Newborn Pictures Family photographer_0031I'm convinced that little Natalie belongs in front of a camera - a complete natural! Total diva with all of her little poses! And, oh so many fun giggles!

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Charlie is such a kind, sweet boy. Anyone would fall in love with these big, blue eyes and adorable smile!

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The best thing ever is when siblings truly LOVE each other and it shows - another total win for a photographer! I was loving the brother/sister bond that Charlie and Natalie have!

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Thank you so much, Garton Family! I loved every minute of working with you guys! I hope you cherish these memories forever!

Do you want to plan a special session to capture your family's memories? Let's chat! Click here to send me a quick message! I can't wait to work with you! :)

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Langan Family Portrait Session

I look forward to the Langan family portrait session every spring! I began capturing their family memories in 2013.  I've been blessed to have the opportunity to watch this family grow and tell their story through portraits each year.  I can truly say I cherish the continuing relationship and bond I share with my clients.  This family is always so wonderful to work with. Right from the beginning planning stages all the way to when their family portraits are up on their walls. There is nothing I cherish more than a client to who values love, family and the memories they make together. Newborn Photography baby photographer Mechanicsburg PA Newborn photographer_0024

Together we chose images to create a beautiful collection of framed art for the walls in the Langan's home. I think mom loves The Organic Bloom custom framed portraits just as much as I do! The Organic Bloom frames are truly one of my most favorite items in the collection of heirloom products that I have to offer. Newborn Photography baby photographer Mechanicsburg PA Newborn photographer_0027

Let's tell your family's story together through portraits. I can't wait to meet you and create beautiful images for you to cherish forever.  Click here to book your family portrait session!

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