How Often to Take Childhood Portraits in Camp Hill, PA

As a family photographer, I have the absolute pleasure of helping families capture the sweet stages of their kids’ childhoods, from those early baby days through your child’s adolescence as they grow into adulthood. Many of the families I work with will ask the same question: how often should you have professional photos taken for your kids? Here’s the advice I give about taking childhood portraits in Camp Hill, PA.

The Short Answer: As Often as You Like!

At the end of the day, childhood photography is all about your family’s preferences - they’re your memories and your portraits so it’s up to you! There’s no consistent recommendation that works for every family, it all depends on how frequently you want professional portraits as well as what is reasonable for your schedule and budget.

Is It Time for New Childhood Portraits in Camp Hill, PA?

With all of that said, I certainly understand that some families want guidance and recommendations, so I’m happy to help. While nothing is set in stone, here are a few signals that it might be time for updated childhood portraits.

  • Your child has reached a new developmental level since their last photo session. For example, maybe your little one was a toddler in their last portraits but now they’re elementary age - a new stage of life is a great time for fresh portraits.
  • You find yourself wishing you had professional photos of your child at this age, even if you love the day-to-day snapshots you take on special occasions or around the house. Both professional portraits and at-home photos have their place in your family’s prized memories.
  • Your child has reached or is approaching a meaningful milestone in their childhood, like starting elementary school or starting middle school, or a cultural milestone like their bar/bat mitzvah or quinceañera.

While there are no hard-and-fast rules that work for every family, these little life markers can be helpful ways to gauge when you’ll want new milestone photos.

Time for New Childhood Portraits? Here’s How to Get Started

If you’ve decided your family is due for some new professional photos, I can help! Contact Zimmer Photography and let’s start planning your childhood portraits in Camp Hill, PA.

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