Harrisburg Pa Newborn Phototgraphy

Your Harrisburg Studio Newborn Photography Questions Answered

Newborn portraits are one of the most precious treasures for so many parents. Your baby is only this tiny once, and only for a short time, so these portraits forever preserve the magic of those first weeks with your little bundle of joy. If you’re growing your family, I’m happy to help not only by taking your newborn photos but answering your questions and helping you know what to expect. Check out these answers to your top Harrisburg studio newborn photography questions.

How Is Harrisburg Studio Newborn Photography Different from Lifestyle Newborn Photography?

There are two types of newborn photo sessions: studio sessions and lifestyle sessions. Studio sessions are performed, of course, in my professional portrait studio. The focus is largely on your baby, with Mom and Dad included in a few portraits as well. These are the cozy posed portraits you see most often. A lifestyle session, on the other hand, is taken at your home and focuses more on your family as a whole. If you enjoy both types of sessions, though, you can have both!

Why Do Poses and Portraits Vary So Much from One Baby to the Next?

There are a few reasons for this. First of all, every family is unique and I want to create portraits that speak to their sense of style and suit their home. Second, it’s always a question of what the baby will allow. Your baby guides the session, and some babies are more comfortable in certain types of poses compared to others. Ultimately, your newborn portraits will be one-of-a-kind for your child and your family.

Why Is Harrisburg Studio Newborn Photography Expensive?

It’s true that newborn photography tends to be pricier than most other types of photo sessions like family portraits and senior portraits. This is because newborn photo sessions take longer, allowing time for your baby to settle and fall asleep as needed. Newborn photography also requires specialized training in baby safety and posing for newborns, as well as certain equipment like cushions, wraps, white noise machines or other items for helping babies to sleep, and so on.

Booking Your Harrisburg Studio Newborn Photography Session

Ready to book your own studio newborn photo session? Contact Karissa Zimmer Photography and let’s chat!

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Harrisburg Newborn Photos for Preemies: Commonly Asked Questions

As every parent knows, you can never fully predict what will happen when it comes to bringing a baby into the world. Babies have their own schedules that don’t always match up with what we had planned, and we just have to follow the curveballs! If your baby is born early, how does that impact your newborn photography? What do you need to know about Harrisburg newborn photos for preemies?

As a photographer who has specialized in newborn portraits for over 12 years, I’ve photographed plenty of premature babies, and I’m here to answer your top questions.

Are Newborn Portraits Safe for Preemies?

Generally, yes, a newborn photo session is safe for preemies. Of course, every preemie can have their own needs and health challenges, so it’s always best to talk to your baby’s pediatrician or whichever medical professional is the most knowledgeable about their health. Rest assured, though, that as a specialized newborn photographer, I am extremely well-versed in handling precious preemies with care.

When Should a Preemie’s Harrisburg Newborn Photos Take Place?

Traditionally, newborn portraits are taken within two weeks of a baby’s birth. That timeline can be flexible, though, and it can especially vary for preemies. In fact, many preemies are still in the hospital when they’re two weeks old.

In the case of a preemie, I typically tell their parents to keep in touch and let me know when their baby is released from the hospital. At that point, we’ll be able to schedule your baby’s portrait session.

What if My Premature Baby Needs Oxygen or Other Medical Assistance?

If your baby is sent home from the hospital with oxygen, monitors, or other medical devices, those devices don’t prevent us from doing a newborn photo session. As long as your baby’s doctor is comfortable with it, I’m happy to take portraits while your baby is wearing their devices. After all, these are part of your baby’s story!

In some cases, I may need to adjust some of the typical poses or some of our plans to accommodate your baby’s devices. We can still get plenty of beautiful portraits regardless.

Is a Photo Session Different for Harrisburg Newborn Photos for Preemies vs. Full-Term Babies?

For the most part, a preemie’s newborn photo session works in the same way as a newborn session for a full-term baby. Every newborn session at my photo studio is unique and is guided by your baby and what makes them comfortable. This is how I conduct my sessions for any newborn, so rest assured that you’ll get outstanding portraits in any case.

Can You Take Newborn Portraits While a Preemie is Still in the Hospital?

If a baby is looking at a hospital stay of several weeks or longer after being born premature, their parents may wonder if they should take their portraits in the hospital. While this is a common question, it’s better to wait until your baby is released from the hospital. This way, you can get all the special details and looks you’ve been dreaming of without the interference of the hospital lighting or other challenges.

Do You Need a Special Photographer to Take Newborn Portraits for Preemies?

When you have a preemie, there can be many aspects of their early days that are different from those of a full-term baby. But what about photography? Are there photographers who specialize in working with preemies and should you hire one?

To my knowledge, there are not baby photographers who specialize in working with preemies, likely because a newborn session is much the same for preemies and full-term babies. For newborn portraits, it’s always best to hire a photographer who specializes in newborn photography, but you don’t need a photographer who specializes in preemies. If you feel more comfortable, though, it never hurts to ask your photographer if they have experience with preemies.

Book Your Harrisburg Newborn Photos

No matter what you expect from your pregnancy and your baby’s birth, I’m here to help you capture this incredible time in your family’s life. Contact my photo studio today to start planning your session.

Harrisburg Newborn Photos for Preemies: Commonly Asked Questions Read More »

Harrisburg PA Lifestyle Newborn Photography vs. Studio Newborn Photography

In the midst of sleep deprivation and the constant cycle of feedings, your baby’s first days might feel like an eternity in the moment. Trust me when I say, though, that this stage will be over in the blink of an eye, and you’ll want every reminder of it that you can find. That’s why you want your baby’s newborn portraits to be perfect. It all starts with planning the best type of newborn photo session for you, so that brings us to this common question: should you book a Harrisburg PA lifestyle newborn photography or studio newborn photography session?

As a specialized newborn photographer, I’ve guided countless families through the journey of creating their timeless newborn portraits. I’m happy to help you understand the difference between these two types of newborn photo sessions and decide which one is best for you.

What Is Lifestyle Newborn Photography?

Lifestyle newborn photography is a unique type of newborn portrait session that’s all about authenticity and candid moments. We take these photos within your home environment and, instead of traditional poses, we focus more on capturing genuine moments between you and your new bundle of joy.

What’s the Difference Between Lifestyle and Studio Newborn Photography?

Lifestyle photography and studio photography differ in the location of the photo shoot and in the content and feel. While a studio newborn portrait session takes place in our photography studio, a lifestyle portrait session takes place at your home – typically within your nursery but we can take advantage of other picturesque areas too.

In addition to this difference, studio newborn photos focus more on traditional poses, as your baby swaddled in a wrap on a cozy blanket background. A lifestyle photo session is meant to feel more like snapshots of your loving life with your new baby.

Benefits of Lifestyle Newborn Portraits

A Harrisburg PA lifestyle newborn photography session offers several unique benefits for growing families. First, these photos tend to feel more personalized because they have a backdrop no one can replicate: your home.

Second, they give you the convenience of staying at your own home. There’s no need to pack up your baby and the million items they need like pacifiers and diapers. Third, in the years to come when you look back on your photos, they’ll have the added joy of bringing back not only your baby’s newborn days but all the memories you’ve made in that nursery ever since.

Benefits of Studio Newborn Portraits

While lifestyle newborn photography has its advantages, studio newborn photography does too. First, because you’re coming to the studio, there’s no need to worry about having your nursery picture-ready.

Second, studio portraits give your photographer complete control over the environment. My studio is set up to allow for completely customized lighting and other factors that make it easy to create the exact look you want. Third, while there’s a limit to the equipment and items I can bring to a lifestyle photo session, my studio has everything we could need for your baby’s portraits so it’s an optimized set-up.

Another Option: Combining Lifestyle and Studio Newborn Photography

Can’t decide between lifestyle and studio photography for your newborn? You can have both! I offer the option to book a studio newborn session as well as a lifestyle add-on session at your home.

In fact, if your baby has older siblings under age 5 and you want portraits of that special bond, it’s best to keep the siblings at home during the studio session and book a sibling lifestyle add-on session. This way, you still get treasured lifestyle portraits and sibling portraits but you don’t have the struggle of managing your kids during the studio session which can last up to six hours.

Studio session as primary newborn session & then lifestyle add-on

Scheduling Your Harrisburg PA Lifestyle Newborn Photography or Studio Newborn Photography

Your newborn portraits are all about creating one-of-a-kind heirlooms you and your family can cherish for generations, and that starts with choosing the perfect type of photo session to suit your family. Not sure which one is best for you? I can help! Contact my photography studio today to chat about your options and book your session.

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Maternity Photo Ideas for Your Harrisburg Maternity Photos

When you’re getting ready for a new baby, there are so many items on your to-do list, from items to buy or assemble to ways to protect your health, but your Harrisburg maternity photos are so much more than another item to check off your list. Your maternity portraits should be unique to you, celebrating your growing family and the magic within you. But how do you make your maternity photos feel personal and genuine?

As a maternity photographer, I have plenty of ways to customize every maternity session but I also let my clients guide the specifics and decide what they want from their session. If you’re trying to decide how to make your maternity photoshoot special, try these ideas.

Nursery Portraits

One of the most fun parts of preparing for your baby is getting the nursery ready in your home. So why not incorporate that beautiful nursery into your maternity photos? It’s a special way to capture just how excited you are to meet your little one, and as your child grows up and forms memories in their room, it will be such a joy for them to look back and see that you felt the warmth of this special room too.

Outdoor Harrisburg Maternity Photos

Harrisburg is full of gorgeous outdoor locations where you can take stunning maternity portraits. You just have to look in the right places! I have a few favorites like local parks and green spaces, but you might also have some spots in town that you love too. It’s even better if there’s a beautiful background that also means something to you and your family, like a park where you enjoy a run every morning or a site where you host a family barbecue each summer.

Maternity Photos in Your Own Yard

Some of my clients have trouble deciding between the idyllic beauty of an outdoor photoshoot or the intimacy and personalization of an at-home photoshoot. Why not do both and have your maternity photo session outside your home? I can capture amazing scenes by posing you with pillars or columns on your porch, in the greenery of your yard, alongside the flowers and trees in your landscaping, and so on.

Windswept Maternity Gowns

Truth be told, I know that many women feel insecure about their looks while they’re pregnant. Your body changes so much in such a short period of time, and in ways that you’ve probably never experienced before. But the fact is that a loving mom-to-be looks absolutely breathtaking and gorgeously feminine. Nothing highlights the majesty and beauty of your pregnancy like a flowy maternity gown that flows in the wind.

Charming Historic Harrisburg Maternity Photos

Along with plenty of outdoor backdrops, Harrisburg has plenty of lovely photo opportunities with a historical aesthetic too. There are Harrisburg neighborhoods full of old-world charm, and there are plenty of historic homes and buildings in the area that could also add an exquisite look to your maternity photos. Of course, if you prefer a more modern or urban aesthetic, Harrisburg has no shortage of these scenes too.

Sentimental Elements

As I mentioned, your maternity photos should be personalized to fit you and your family. One of the best ways to do this is to incorporate some elements that are particularly sentimental to you. Maybe there’s a necklace that’s a family heirloom, for example, and you can have a portrait with this necklace draped over your baby bump.

Or, you can incorporate special hobbies and passions in your life that you plan to share with your baby, like reading, playing an instrument, or knitting a blanket for your bundle of joy. Your child will love looking back on these portraits as they grow up and see how excited you were to share these treasures with them.

Scheduling Your Harrisburg Maternity Photos Today

If these ideas have kicked your creativity into high gear and you’re excited to start planning your personalized maternity photo session, it’s not too early to start planning! If you’re expecting a little one, call my photo studio today to schedule your Harrisburg maternity photos.

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When to Take Newborn Photos: Your Ultimate Guide

You’ve ooohed and aaahed over all your friends’ adorable newborn photos popping up on social media. You’ve made a mental note of the most amazing poses and portraits you’ve seen for newborns so you can re-create them for your own baby. But you also know, either from first-hand experience or from other parents, that newborns are unpredictable from one moment to the next – and that’s an understatement! How do you get those incredible newborn photos you want?

Much of it comes down to timing, believe it or not. When should newborn photos be taken in order to get the poses and sleepy baby snapshots you love? As a professional photographer in Camp Hill, PA, I’m here to give you the details you need to know to get the timing right.

When to Take Newborn Photos

In general, the best time for newborn photos is during the first two weeks after birth. To be more specific, though, I’ve found that the best time to take newborn photos is between 7 days and 10 days old. During this stage, your baby is still sleeping most of the time. This makes them easier to pose and photograph for those sleepy newborn portraits parents love. Your baby is also still very “curled up” and hasn’t yet stretched out much. That allows us to safely and comfortably get them into those cuddly little newborn poses you’ll cherish forever.

When Should I Book My Newborn Portraits?

The thought of fitting a newborn photo session into such a tight window might stress you out. I get it! So much is in flux during your pregnancy and your baby’s first days that it’s hard to plan much of anything with any confidence. At the end of the day, babies arrive when they want to arrive. How do you know when that window of 7-10 days will be?

You can’t know for certain, but all we can do is make an approximation and adjust if necessary. To make sure you get a booking in the timeframe you want, it’s best to schedule your newborn photography when you’re in your second trimester of the pregnancy. At this point, you’re past the high-risk period of pregnancy. You’re not yet in the third trimester, though, when you’ll be busy with all the final preparations for your new baby.

Of course, there are many times when babies don’t follow our schedules and they arrive earlier or later than expected. In fact, only 5% of babies are born on their exact due date. Don’t worry! Just give me a call and we’ll see when we can fit your session in during your baby’s first two weeks.

Can I Combine My Maternity and Newborn Photography in One Package?

As special as newborn photos are, it’s even better to have maternity photos as well. You want to chronicle every part of this incredible journey. To make the most out of both your maternity and newborn photography, you can schedule these photo sessions together with the same photographer, because I specialize in both!

Now that you know when to do newborn photos, the natural next question is when to do maternity photos. This can be tricky because every magical mom-to-be experiences her own pregnancy. You want to take your portraits when you’re far enough into your pregnancy that you have a beautifully pronounced belly. At the same time, you don’t want to wait so late into your pregnancy that you’re uncomfortable. You especially don’t want to worry that you might go into labor before your session happens. The sweet spot is usually between 28 and 36 weeks.

How Do I Find the Right Photographer for My Newborn Photos?

There are so many ways to make your newborn photos the perfect addition to your family’s home. The most important step, though, is to choose a photographer who can capture your vision. For newborn photography, in particular, you need a photographer who specializes in working with newborn babies and has dedicated safety training in newborn care and newborn poses. I’m proud to say that I meet those criteria.

Make sure you take a look at the photographer’s work too, particularly their newborn photo gallery. Photography is an art form, at the end of the day. You want to know if a photographer has similar aesthetic tastes to you and can create the portraits you want for your baby.

Booking Your Photographer for the Best Time to Take Newborn Photos

Now that you know the best time to do newborn photos, there’s just one thing left to do: book your session! Contact my Camp Hill photography studio today to book your newborn photoshoot or to learn what I have to offer.

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Everything You Need to Know About a Newborn Session

Everything You Need to Know About a Newborn Session

When selecting a photographer, she will tell you everything you need to know about a newborn session! Every parent knows that kids grow up so fast. That’s why having photos of your children at every stage of their life is so important, especially when they’re newborns. Those images can help you remember years later just how small your little ones were.

As you’re getting ready to welcome a new addition to your family, take time to consider booking a newborn session to capture this amazing moment in your life. Not sure what a newborn photo shoot is like? That’s why I am here to help guide you through the process. I will teach you Everything You Need to Know About a Newborn Session!

new parents are photographed with newborn baby boy during posed newborn photography session with karissa zimmer photography

How old should my little one be for the photo session?

The best age for a newborn session is under two weeks, although I find the “sweet spot to be between days 7-10 of life. At that age, babies still spend a majority of their time sleeping and are easier to pose in those curled up positions everyone loves! When you’re scheduling your session, keep in mind that your newborn will grow VERY quickly and will look completely different at one month than they did at birth. As they grow, they’ll begin moving more. In those first few days they will be much more comfortable with posing, as well as less likely to remain asleep during the photo shoot.

newborn photographer karissa zimmer photographs new father with baby boy at his newborn photography session in camp hill pa

When should I book my session?

The earlier you can book your newborn session, the better! I recommend having your session reserved before the third trimester approaches if possible. Session times fill up fast, and since you only have a limited window of time in which to get the photos taken before baby gets too big, you want to be sure that your photographer is available.

everything you need to know about a newborn photography session in camp hill pa

What if my baby arrives earlier than expected?

Every newborn photographer knows that babies arrive when they’re ready. With that in mind, I book a very limited number of newborn sessions each month. This allows me to be flexible with early or late newborn arrivals. Once your session has been booked and reserved during your consultation, I will hold time around your scheduled session to make sure you and your little one get in for your photos.

new parents snuggle their newborn boy at photo session in camp hill pa

How long does a newborn session last?

Typically, a newborn photo shoot lasts several hours. If that sounds long, have no fear—you won’t be in front of the camera the whole time! A majority of that time will be spent feeding and soothing your newborn for photos. Each and every baby is different. Therefore, each session will take a different length of time. There certainly is no rushing a newborn session!

new father is photographed during photo session with karissa zimmer photography

How should I dress my newborn for photos?

Most newborn photography involves nude and swaddle wrapped portraits of your little one—the better to capture those tiny fingers and toes and their precious soft skin! Dress your baby in clothes that are easy to take off and put back on and that are loose enough it won’t leave marks on their skin.

newborn photographer karissa zimmer photography captures image of newborn boy with parents

What should I bring to my newborn session?

This is one of the most common questions we hear, and that’s because it’s so important! You’ll want to bring your whole diaper bag, of course. That means pacifiers, extra diapers and wipes, and formula and bottles, if you formula-feed. I alway suggest that you’ll also want to bring a change of clothes for yourself because posing in photos with a naked baby can lead to messiness! All props, wraps, bonnets and accessories are conveniently provided and coordinated for your baby’s session by yours truly!

Most importantly, ask me any questions you have about your session. And don’t be nervous! It’s my job to help you feel comfortable and get the images you want of this precious moment in the life of your family!

posed newborn baby boy on gray by camp hill newborn photographer
karissa zimmer photography captures images of posed newborn baby
newborn photographed by karissa zimmer photography in camp hill pa
newborn photography session in camp hill pa shows baby boy posed in blue and white bucked
newborn baby boy is posed during his newborn photo session with karissa zimmer photography
baby boy is wrapped and photographed by camp hill newborn photographer

Hi & Welcome to Karissa Zimmer Photography! I am a full service photography studio and I am proud to photograph expecting parents, newborn babies, children, families and high school seniors throughout Central PA including Camp Hill, Mechanicsburg, Harrisburg and surrounding areas. My style is classic, timeless and forever. My goal for each session is for you to leave with family keepsakes that you and your family will enjoy and share for generations to come. I will create beautiful fine art albums, custom framing and wall art made just for you, your family and your home. Your special memories are forever and I am so blessed to be a part of each and every one of my client’s lives.

Please contact Karissa for more information about planning your newborn session. I can wait to meet you at your consultation!

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Newborn Photographer near York Pa

Newborn Photographer near York Pa | Knox’s newborn photography session

Newborn Photographer near York Pa. Knox was the man! In other words, he was everything a newborn photographer dreams of! His whole session was perfect. It was only to be expected that he would be a super cool dude because he’s got a pretty cool mom and dad! And I could tell just how loved this little Knox man was when I first met them for their newborn and maternity photography consultation. They were so excited to capture everything about this special time in their lives. I am completely honored that they picked me for the job. I am certain that there is a serious level of trust in picking a newborn photographer. New parents don’t put their most precious little person in just anyone’s hands. And to trust a photographer to capture this new and greatest love is something really special. But first, look at this new adorable bond…

Can you sense this overwhelming, heart bursting, love they have for this little dude? Our babies only fit in our arms like this for the such a short, fleeting moment. I know they are going to look back at these photos and cherish this moment in time forever. And I am so glad I was able to capture this for all 3 them! But, Knox- you’re just so cute on your own too…

I could write about this adorable session forever. They’re just the cutest little family. Knox made a mark on my heart-that’s for sure!

Are you expecting a baby? Let’s capture these perfect tiny moments for you to remember forever.

Having a newborn baby will be one of the most special times of your whole, entire life. I would love to help you capture and preserve this moment to look back on forever. Any parent will tell you just how quickly this phase passes. Which one reason why newborns are photographed so early on – in the first 10 days of their little lives! So, the best time to set up a newborn photography session is as early as possible! You definitely want to start planning and have your newborn session reserved before your baby arrives. Most clients book before their 3rd trimester. But, if you’ve waited – don’t hesitate to call me! I will always try to get a newborn babe squeezed in my schedule! I never want to turn down a chance to cuddle a babe if I don’t have to!

So, send me a quick message HERE to get in touch and start planning! I can’t wait to work with you!

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Newborn and Baby Photographer near Camp Hill Pa

Newborn and Baby Photographer near Camp Hill, Pa – Aitha

Newborn and Baby Photographer near Camp Hill Pa. Just LOOK at this little guy’s gorgeous head of dark hair! I mean, it would make most of us girls jealous! I really, really have a thing for babies with a full head of hair. Especially dark hair! If you follow my work, you are probably already aware of that! Maybe it’s because my own girl had super dark hair as a newborn. Maybe because I am a dark haired girl? I am not sure, but there is just something about a whole lot of dark hair on a newborn that I love so much! When I first laid eyes on this guy I knew he was going to make the most perfect newborn baby art ever! I WAS RIGHT! You have got to agree!?

If you ask me what my ONE favorite part of my job is I don’t think I’d be able to give you an answer. That’s the honest truth. I truly love so many things about what I do. From snuggling these tiny, perfect and new creatures to building lasting relationships with my clients to watching their families grow and their children grow up. But, one thing that means so much to me is to see everything come together in the form of tangible, heirloom portrait art. To see my clients expressions when their portraits are hanging on their walls – IN PRINT! Where it is meant to be! So you can see and enjoy your memories every single day. It is truly rewarding – to you and to me!

Send me a quick

Send me a quick message HERE to start planning your newborn’s custom portrait session! I can’t wait to work with you!

Follow me on INSTAGRAM to catch more sneak peeks of my images and all that’s new at Karissa Zimmer Photography!

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Newborn-Maternity-Family and High School Senior Photographer in Mechanicsburg PA

Newborn-Maternity-Family and High School Senior Photographer in Mechanicsburg PA | 2019 year in review!

As a Newborn-Maternity-Family and High School Senior Photographer in Mechanicsburg PA 2019 was awesome! I’ve captured some of my most favorite images this year. I’ve snuggled, loved and photographed some of the most adorable babies in all of Central PA! I am totally sure of it! I’ve giggled with kiddos, ran around like a nut with toddlers, channeled my youthful soul while capturing high school senior pictures and watched my repeat client families grow up a little more this year. I mean, it will be hard for me to write this post without a few tears. Guys – this is not just my job. This is a genuine labor of love here. Some will say “you shouldn’t be emotionally connected to your job,” but I disagree. I do this with my whole heart. I look back on a year and feel so blessed to have crossed paths with each and every one of my clients. Some it was for the very first time and others who feel like they’ve become old friends. You guys are all gold to me. Every one of you holds a special place in this photographer’s heart of memories.

Now, for a moment of transparency…because, let’s be real-2019 wasn’t all sunshine, unicorns and glitter. It included some unexpected hurdles to jump at times- I guess you could say. This 2019 year required some serious faith to get through the things that are out of my control and the drive to conquer all that is within it. With those two things, the most amazing family, a few very close friends and a whole handful of the greatest clients any photographer could have – Here I am! Happy, healthy, and ready to take on 2020 and all it’s new adventures!

All of these moments that we turned into tangible, keepsake memories mean everything.

Not only to you, but to me. I have a genuine value for family and the people we love most. I know how much it will mean to you forever to have these memories of the babies,children, spouses and EVEN PUPPIES you love. Time will change us all. We’ll grow older as will our children. These moments you allowed me to capture for you are frozen forever. That is priceless. Thank you for trusting me to capture these memories for you this year. Thank you for allowing me to guide you through this process and allow me to help you choose tangible, heirloom artwork for your home so that your children’s children will have these special family memories. They’ll be just as important to you decades from now as they are today!

Let’s talk about 2020!

As we say goodbye to 2019 it’s important to plan for the future! Silly resolution time, I know! But, I’m excited! I’ve got big plans for the new year and I’m looking forward to connecting with all of you who will be a part of it! I will, however, be scheduling limited sessions each month. This keeps me on my A game so that I can give each of you a personal and custom portrait experience. Most important, I’m a mom myself, so being present for my daughter is my biggest priority. I’m all about “being the best version of ourselves” and a good start for me is by not overfilling my plate. I want to give everyone I care about the best version of me! So, with that being said…plan, plan, plan ahead! Yep, I know…lots of us a procrastinators, but it’s best to book your session several months in advance! If you’re expecting a baby this year – it is best to schedule your newborn session before your 3rd trimester. That way, all is set when baby arrives! Newborn session openings fill FAST! If you’re thinking ahead to spring and summer – now is a great time to get the planning started! It is MY MOST FAVORITE time of the year for family photography! Absolutely, positively the most beautiful time of the year! And Fall…welll….i’m still recovering from the past few months. We’ll revisit the idea of fall again soon! Hahaha!

Let’s chat about your family!

I’d love to chat about what makes your family special and how we can capture that for you. I’ll sit down with you and carefully plan all the details to how we will photograph your special people. I’ll walk you through my entire portrait process. Send me a quick message HERE to get in touch with me!

Do you follow me on INSTAGRAM? Catch all the sneak peeks and fun updates there!

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Mechanicsburg Newborn and Baby Photographer

Mechanicsburg Newborn and Baby Photographer – Colton

Mechanicsburg Newborn and Baby Photographer. Colton, you certainly could not have possibly been more of a photographer’s dream baby. You slept so soundly, were so snuggly, and I could have held you all day. When you started to wake I would simply say “Shhhhh, Colton. We’re going back to sleep now.” And like no newborn baby I have every photographed before, YOU WENT RIGHT BACK TO SLEEP! Not only once or twice, but a few times! It was amazing and I will always remember you for exactly this.

It’s no secret that newborn photos are my favorite! It’s the greatest feeling in the world to become a parent of a new baby. That moment when you first hold your precious baby in your arms is like nothing else. This tiny creature is all yours! It’s also no secret just how fast these little ones grow. These tiny feature will grow by the day and soon you’ll have a toddler, child, and teen. This phase is so important to capture. These memories of your baby as such a tiny newborn will be invaluable. They’ll mean everything to you as your baby grows and all throughout life.

I would love to help you capture and preserve this extra special time in yours and your baby’s life. It is best to plan ahead, so that a session can be reserved and customized especially for you. Sessions are limited and newborns are photographed within the first 10 days of life. However, if your baby has already arrived- do not hesitate to call! I will always squeeze a newborn client in when possible!

Let’s chat about planning a special session to capture the new, tiny love of your life! Please send me a quick message HERE and I will be in touch to set up a consultation with you! I can’t wait to meet you and create something beautiful and timeless for you!

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