Are you an expecting mommy to-be searching for a Newborn Photographer in Harrisburg PA?
There are lots and lots of variables when it comes to choosing a photographer, just as there are in any other service. I was reminded of this when I asked a contractor, “How much would it cost to build a deck on my house?” He very intelligently responded, “How much would it cost to buy a car?” So, just as there are a vast range of price points for vehicles and home renovations, you will likely find newborn baby photographers in Harrisburg PA from $500 to $10,000 and everywhere in between!
When you purchase a vehicle for your family, you want to be certain of a few key factors. Will this model of car keep my family safe? How long will it last and hold up over time? Will the dealership take care of me and my needs through the lifetime of my car ownership? When the time comes that your family needs a new set of wheels, you’ll without a doubt want to do your research before you make an investment in something so important. Likewise, when it’s time to find a newborn photographer, you’ll want to be able to check off some very important boxes with confidence. Remember, in most investment cases, you get what you pay for, and newborn photography should be no different.
So, what should you look for from a newborn photographer? I’ve put together a few of the most important things you will want to consider when choosing a professional to capture images of your newborn.
Newborn Safety
The most important thing to consider when choosing a photographer for your newborn session is whether they are certified to pose your baby safely. Knowing how to pose a newborn requires an understanding of which poses are safe and which are not, as well as how to avoid restricting the baby’s airway. When considering a photographer, ask them if they have invested in the necessary training and education to make sure that they know how to handle your baby safely during every pose and photo. If not, you’ll want to find a photographer who has the experience and knowledge to keep your newborn safe throughout your photo session.
Props & Accessories
A good newborn photographer will have a professional studio fully stocked with a variety of props and accessories to use during your session. While it’s always a great idea to bring your own props, especially sentimental items, your photographer will have everything from baskets to blankets to wraps and more to create images that you will love!
Full Service
When you hire a professional photographer, you are paying for their knowledge and expertise. They should walk you through what to expect from working with them, including how to prepare for your session, and be able to answer any questions you may have. On average, I spend about 40 hours with each client, starting with our initial consultation and ending with the delivery and installation of their products and wall art. Your photographer should take the time to ensure you’re happy with your experience and products.
Professional Equipment
Anyone can purchase a camera and start taking photos, but a professional should have the high-quality equipment that ensures they get the images you want. This includes not just cameras and lenses, but lighting equipment, editing software and everything else they need to take and process your newborn photos. If your potential photographer doesn’t have professional equipment, you should find someone else who does.
High-Quality Products
While digital images are wonderful to have, they won’t last forever. Technology is always changing, and so does the way you store images. Remember floppy disks? Good luck finding a way to read one of those these days! Portrait products, however, such as wall art and albums, will last for years and can even become family heirlooms. But all products are not created equal. There are low-cost, cheaply made products that aren’t meant to last forever and certainly won’t. Professional photographers, however, tend to use the highest level of archival grade art to ensure that your memories will endure for generations. When you book a professional newborn session, you’re investing in memories that you want to last forever.
Just as important as every item on this list is how you feel about your photographer. Do you like and trust them? If possible, it’s a good idea to meet your photographer prior to your session to make sure that you feel comfortable handing your precious newborn to them and trusting them to capture your memories. Ask if your photographer does consultations because a consultation is the perfect way to make sure a photographer is the right fit for you and your family. It’s also a great time to ask questions and ensure that they have the knowledge and experience necessary to safely create newborn images you’ll cherish for years to come!