Mechanicsburg Professional Newborn Photographer – Tips For Getting Your Newborn To sleep
Baby Girl smiles during her newborn photoshoot with Karissa Zimmer Photography near Mechanicsburg, PA
As a Mechanicsburg Professional Newborn Photographer, I know a few things about baby whispering! I can’t hold a tune to save my life or whip up a gourmet meal, but I sure can put a baby to sleep like a pro! After all, that is part of the job description, right?! As you can imagine, many of my clients are first time parents. First time parents who often offer me part time, middle of the night baby sitting jobs due to my baby whispering skills! Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing I love more than snuggling a newborn baby! However, this full time Mechanicsburg Professional Newborn Photographer gig keeps me super busy. So, I’m not really available for a side hustle at the moment! HA!
Mechanicsburg PA newborn Photographer, Karissa Zimmer, in her newborn photography studio
Newborn Photographer to save the day! Or Night.
Lucky for you, I am here to help by offering you some of my personal tips and tricks. Some may seem like “no brainers,” but let’s face it…pregnancy brain and new mom brain are a real thing. And that sometimes can make you feel like you lost your real one! Don’t worry. I think it returns sometime, but I can’t be certain since I still have regular bouts of mom brain and my baby is almost 14! We are in this mom thing together and we’ve got to help each other out. This is where my Mechanicsburg Professional Newborn Photographer Tips for getting your Newborn to Sleep come in!
Tips For Getting Your Newborn to Sleep – From a Mechanicsburg Professional Newborn Photographer

Ok, so this one isn’t truly a tip or trick, but it’s definitely a MUST have little miracle machine. No professional newborn photographer can live without it, and no new parent should have to either! There is just no cell phone App that does the job just like the Baby Shusher. This little guy has even won awards such as: Mom’s Choice Award, Parent Tested Parent Approved (PTPA), OHbaby! 2018 Gold Award Winner, and BabyList’s 2019 Best Product Award. It uses a legit, real human voice to shush your baby right to sleep. It’s the next best thing to your own continuous shushing sounds, but that gets pretty tiring. And since you’re here I am guessing you might already be a little sleep deprived! Hop on Amazon right now and grab yourself one of these little machines and get yourself some sleep today! You’ll thank me later!
The SNUGGLE is real around here, so the struggle is not! Yeah, I got jokes. Lame ones, but I guess that’s what happens when you work with tiny humans who can’t laugh at your dorky-ness yet! So, this is really just what it sounds like. Snuggle your baby tight. Pull his legs up to his abdomen and tuck his little arms in close while holding him. When my clients are here in the newborn studio holding their new babes I often notice their legs or arms stretched out or loose. It’s not something everyone notices or thinks about! One of the first suggestions I make is The Snuggle. Newborns love to have their limbs squeezed in tight against their little bodies (and yours!) since they just spent the last 9 months that way. It’s what they know best and will often drift right to sleep!
Believe me, when my newborn clients don’t already know this trick it quickly becomes one the shove up their sleeve for later! There are great benefits to massaging the third eye. I very lightly rum my finger or thumb from the third eye position ( between your baby’s eyes) down the nose. Trust me. This works! It encourages baby to close his eyes and soon drifting off to a (hopefully!) restful sleep! Have pets? This works on animals too. Give it a try to practice if you’re still waiting on your babe to arrive!
First, I’m pretty sure there is no newborn on planet earth who doesn’t like to be swaddled. Your baby just spent the last 9 months tightly packed in your belly. Being wrapped tightly in a swaddle is one of the most comforting and secure feelings to a newborn. Sometimes I will have a parent tell me during a newborn session that their baby doesn’t like to be swaddled. I say: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! I’ve yet to find a newborn who doesn’t like to be properly swaddled. Seriously, If you need a solid lesson – call me. I will never turn down the opportunity to snuggle a newborn, whether you’re my client or not! I will happily show you the tricks of this swaddle trade!
I know it’s tough when you’re lacking sleep and you have a newborn who wants to party all night, but stay calm. If I am not calm during a newborn photography session then my tiny client won’t be either. The same applies to you at home also. No matter how stressful that scream sounds or how emotional it makes you feel try your best to react calmly. Your baby can sense and feel your emotions. Deep breaths, mama.
It may sound like a no brainer. But I know I am not happy when I’m HANGRY. And, a hungry baby won’t be able to sleep. A full belly is one of the number one keys to a happy, sleepy baby during a newborn session. Feed your baby until she releases on her own.
It is warm in the womb! That sauna is all your baby has known for 9 long months. It probably feels a little chilly compared to those tropical-like temps! Newborns are sensitive to cold temps. This is why your baby likely cries when you change his diaper. He is just simply cold. I keep my studio at about 80 degrees during newborn sessions. No, you don’t have to crank your thermostat that high, but be cautious temps dropping too low for baby’s comfort!
If all else fails…
Ask for help! Now, I’m certainly hoping these few tips are helpful in getting you and your newborn on your way to a couple winks of sleep. However, ALWAYS trust your gut! Your mom or dad instinct is almost always on point. If something feels off and your baby just doesn’t seem to settle please do not hesitate to call your pediatrician! It’s possible there are underlying reasons why your baby won’t settle and these little tips are not meant to get you through it all. Your doctor is always a quick phone call away and is there to help you along this new parent journey. No question or concern is too silly. Trust those instincts. God gave you them for a reason!
Booking a Mechanicsburg Professional Newborn Photography Session
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to document this extra special phase of life for you. There is nothing more special than having images of your precious tiny human to look back on. To learn more about booking a newborn photography session with me, please check out the F.A.Q. section of my newborn gallery!
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