Family Photography near me Harrisburg PA

Family in All Forms: Nontraditional Family Photos in Harrisburg PA

When you think of family portraits, you probably picture a conventional family, as most of us do: two parents and a few kids. While that’s what most of my family photos in Harrisburg PA look like, every so often I have the joy of photographing a nontraditional family or chosen family. Recently I had that joy in my family photo session with two wonderful best friends and their children and it reminded me of how truly special these types of nontraditional family portraits in Harrisburg PA are. 

What Do Nontraditional Family Portraits Look Like?

Nontraditional family portraits can look so many different ways! In this case, it was a mom and her child with her dear friend and her child. It could also be a co-parenting family – children with their parents and stepparents. Or, your photo session could be your traditional family along with someone else who plays a strong role in your family, like your kids’ nanny or an extended family member who lives with you.

Ultimately, your nontraditional family portraits can include anyone who feels like family to you (within reason of course, because a family photo shoot with 20 people is a whole different ball game!). And that’s what makes it so special: it’s the people who are your family in a truly authentic way.

The Beauty of Nontraditional Family Photos in Harrisburg PA

Nontraditional family photo sessions hold a special place in my heart for so many reasons.

First, they honor the relationships in your life that go beyond the bounds of genetics and our typical ideas of family. There’s no reason that your best friends or your cousins, for example, should have the joy of a photography session together just because it’s not a societal tradition (yet).

Second, these sessions celebrate the amazing fact that as people we can form amazing bonds with each other regardless of details like genetics or marriage certificates. Sometimes the most important and meaningful relationships in our life aren’t with our birth family, and in fact, it can be even more special that you and these people found each other in the world and developed such a deep relationship.

Third, I believe that a family photo session is a joy that everyone deserves to have. There are so many people who don’t have close family members or who don’t have a relationship with their family for countless different reasons. A nontraditional family photo session opens the door for all of these people to have the same joy and memories of a family photo shoot that people with traditional families get to enjoy.

Creating Your Own Nontraditional Family Photos in Harrisburg PA

Whoever those people are in your life who are family in your heart, even if they’re not family by blood or marriage, I’d be honored to create stunning portraits for you! Contact Karissa Zimmer Photography and let’s start planning.


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Harrisburg PA Family Photography is for Nontraditional Families Too!

When you see family photos online, whether you’re looking for inspiration for your own family portraits or you’re flipping through the family photos your friends and relatives are posting on Instagram, you probably see a lot of the stereotypical nuclear family. You see a lot of portraits with mom, dad, and 2-3 kids. But as a photographer who has the privilege of bringing Harrisburg PA family photography to life on a daily basis, I believe in inclusion and have a special place in my heart for photographing beautiful nontraditional families.

The gorgeous single mom and her baby boy featured in this post are just one of the many nontraditional families I’ve had the privilege of working with recently. For any nontraditional families who wonder if your family portraits can be just as wonderful as the ones you see online, yes they can! Here’s why.

A Custom Harrisburg PA Family Photography Experience

There are certain poses and dynamics you’ll see often in family photos, and sure, those poses might not transfer over to some nontraditional families. But truthfully, that doesn’t matter much at my Harrisburg PA family photography studio because every photo session I perform is customized.

From the start, I’ll meet with you to learn about your family, your style and your personality. I’ll create a custom photo session that’s purely designed for your family, no matter who your family includes.

Telling Your Family’s Story

It’s important to me to communicate that family photography isn’t just about creating pretty artwork and it’s not meant to make every family look like a Norman Rockwell painting. It’s about your family and what makes you special! Your portraits are a way to tell your family’s story in a form that will last for generations. They should capture your personality in a meaningful and authentic way and highlight the love among your family.

Beautiful family photography is an experience and an heirloom that every family deserves, and there’s no family who can’t get stunning family portraits that they cherish. I would be honored to create your heirloom portraits so contact Karissa Zimmer Photography and let’s chat!

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The Benefits of Outdoor Family Photography in Harrisburg PA

We’re finally seeing those first few hints of spring after a long Pennsylvania winter! It’s enough to make anyone want to run outside and just bask in the sunlight we’ve all been missing this winter. One way you can take advantage of the beautiful spring is with outdoor family photography in Harrisburg PA. If you’re deciding between an in-studio or outdoor photo shoot, here are some special perks of outdoor portraits.

Authentic Family Fun

The best family photos always come from genuine smiles. I want your family to have fun during your photo shoot! Outdoor environments are a perfect way to do this. For many people, photography studios can be intimidating, but when your photo shoot is in a park, you’re in an area that is meant for fun and recreation, so it’s easier for the whole family to let loose and have a great time.

Low-Stress Environments for Parents of Active Kids

When you have active and energetic little ones, a photo studio can be a stressful place. You’re worried about your child running into equipment that could be dangerous or expensive, or messing up a carefully constructed background, so you feel the need to govern every step your child takes.

Outdoors, that’s not a problem! There’s plenty of space for kids to run around and be themselves, showing off that fun spirit that we want to celebrate in your family portraits. We can even choose a photo shoot location that your family is familiar with, like a park that you often visit, where you know your kids can run and play without safety hazards.

Taking Advantage of Nature’s Beauty for Outdoor Family Photography in Harrisburg PA

An indoor photo studio can be designed to make for beautiful photo backgrounds, but why create a pretty background when nature has already done the work for us? We’re fortunate in the Harrisburg area to have plenty of gorgeous parks and outdoor settings that are perfect for family photos, and as a local family photographer, I know all the best spots! I’ll work with you to choose a photo shoot location based on the look and colors you want in your portraits.

Creating Memories in the Moment

You want your family photos to be beautiful artwork for your home, of course, but they should be so much more than that too. A family portrait can transport you back in time to this amazing stage in your life, no matter how many years pass. It’s even better when the photo itself is linked to specific memories with your family. That’s my goal for family photo shoots: to allow your family to simply have fun and enjoy the day together while I turn that experience into gorgeous artwork. Outdoor photography is perfect for this - every time you see the portrait, you won’t just remember bringing the family to a studio, you’ll remember all the fun you had at that park spending quality time together.

Make the Most of This Spring! How to Book Your Outdoor Family Photography in Harrisburg PA

Outdoor family photography in Harrisburg PA is an investment you’ll thank yourself for in the years to come, and this spring is the perfect time to take advantage of our stunning local scenery! Contact Karissa Zimmer Photography to book your family photo session.

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A Parent’s To-Do List for Outdoor Family Photography in Harrisburg PA

Some families enjoy a family portrait session every year while others only have the chance every several years. Either way, it’s not something you do every day. As a professional photographer, I aim to not only create beautiful works of personal art for my clients but to guide you through the process too and make it as simple and stress-free for you as possible. To help you manage your photo session planning process, I’ve put together a straightforward to-do list for any parent before outdoor family photography in Harrisburg PA.

#1. Choose Your Photographer

The first step in any photo session is to select your photographer, and frankly, that can be the hardest step too. You want a photographer you can work with well and someone whose work you love because every photographer has their own style. Keep in mind that each photographer has a different level of service too, so find a photographer who has the aesthetic and the service you’re looking for.

#2. Decide on a Location for Your Outdoor Family Photography in Harrisburg PA

After you’ve booked a session with the photographer of your choice (or during the booking process), you’ll coordinate with your photographer to choose a location for your photo session. The season, the look you want, and other factors will impact your location of choice. The beauty is, though, that you have an expert photographer in your corner, and we know all the best spots in town! I always chat with my clients about what they want for their session and recommend the best locations for them.

#3. Tell Your Family the Good News

Once you’ve worked out the major details, it’s time to bring your kids in on the plan. The rule of thumb is to be excited and position the photo session as a fun family experience. It’s contagious - if you’re excited about something, your kids will be too!

#4. Design the Family’s Wardrobe for Your Outdoor Family Photography in Harrisburg PA

Wardrobe planning is another item on your to-do list that I can help you with directly. As a full-service photographer, I gladly offer tips and help in planning your family’s wardrobe, including pointers about what does (and doesn’t) look good on camera, advice on what colors might best flatter you and your family, and more. I also advise having a backup outfit planned for each person in case an issue arises.

#5. Plan the Day of Your Photoshoot

Logistics can make a world of difference in your photo session, so make a plan for the day of the photo shoot. Based on when your session will be, plan a schedule that ensures everyone will be fed and rested during the photo shoot. Plan when you need to start getting everyone ready, how much time you’ll need to do your hair and makeup, and so on. Give yourself an earlier out-the-door time than you need in case there’s traffic or you’re running late.

#6. Make a List of Items to Bring

The last thing you want is to arrive at your photo session and realize you’ve forgotten something important. Give yourself more time to think of all the essentials by making a to-bring list. Include things like all the individual pieces for everyone’s backup outfits, snacks, drinks, diapers, wipes, and so on.

#7. Prep and Pack Your Items for the Photo Shoot

The day before your photo shoot, get everything packed and ready so that, when it’s time to leave, you just need to grab everything and go. Get everyone’s wardrobe and backup outfit items laundered and pressed if necessary. Put snacks and other items in a cooler or bag in the fridge. The goal is to make your life as easy as possible.

#8. Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal: To Have Fun!

This might not seem that important but it really is a biggie - remember to have fun! The best portraits happen when you and your family are genuinely enjoying your time together. Try not to stress about the little details. Spots on someone’s clothes can be edited out, but I can’t edit in a carefree smile.

Getting Started with Outdoor Family Photography in Harrisburg PA

Ready to tackle your own family portrait to-do list? I can help! Contact my Harrisburg photo studio to book your session today.

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Harrisburg Outdoor Family Photography: A Pro’s Top Tips

There’s a whimsical, warm beauty that’s undeniable in outdoor family photos. On top of the gorgeous natural landscape, outdoor photos seem to make kids and parents alike more relaxed and joyful, not stiff and nervous, making for portraits that capture your personalities. It’s no surprise that Harrisburg outdoor family photography is so popular, especially during this time of the year.

If you’re planning an outdoor photoshoot, how do you make it a great one? Follow these pro tips.

Ask Your Photographer for Location Tips

The golden rule for outdoor family photography is the same as the golden rule for real estate: location, location, location. When it comes to deciding where to have your photo session, your photographer is the best resource.

Photographers know all the best spots around town for photos. There might be parks and locales you’ve seen that look beautiful to the naked eye, but they may not photograph well. Rely on your photographer’s expertise on the best locations for photos. Of course, feel free to let them know your preferences, like a type of landscape you love or a color palette you want.

Choose Layers for Your Family’s Harrisburg Outdoor Family Photography Outfits

When planning outfits for your family, choose layers for everyone. There are a few reasons for this. First, the weather has a mind of its own so you want to be prepared for any temperature. Keep in mind that some outdoor locations feel cooler or warmer than you expect because of wind or shade (or a lack thereof).

The second reason has to do with your kids. Kids find ways to make messes on themselves and on you. If everyone is dressed in layers, you can remove layers that get stains on them or add layers to cover stains.

Plan the Perfect Timing with Your Photographer

The time of day will have a huge impact on your Harrisburg outdoor family photography in multiple ways. First, it affects the lighting for your photos. This impacts the look of your photos, whether you prefer the warmth of the “golden hour,” the crisp light of morning, or another look. Second, it could make the difference between grumpy kids and cheery kids. Your photographer is a pro at finding the sweet spot. Chat with us about your kids’ daily routines so we can work together to figure out the perfect time for your session. If you’ll need to tweak your kids’ routines for that day, we can give you pointers on doing this smoothly too.

Book Early for Special Requests

Scheduling a family photo session can be a challenge for active families. You might just have a small window between your kids’ extracurricular activities. You might be working around your summer vacations and special events. You may also want to aim for a particular time of year for your photos. For instance, maybe you want to take photos when a certain tree is blooming or when the leaves first start changing for the fall.

If you have a specific timeframe when your photo session needs to happen, book it as early as possible. The earlier you book your Harrisburg outdoor family photography session, the more likely you are to get the timeframe you want.

Plan Ahead but Don’t Stress

It never fails, especially if you have kids: when you have to be somewhere at a particular time, there will be complications. Make your photo shoot day as problem-proof as possible. Have everyone’s clothes laundered, ironed, and set out the night before. Have a bag packed with everything you want to bring, like snacks, water, diapers, and pacifiers. Make that day easy on yourself.

At the same time, don’t stress about making everything perfect. Trust me, we’ll get amazing portraits no matter what you might have forgotten. I’m a pro at making do, so relax – we’ll figure it out!

Planning Your Harrisburg Outdoor Family Photography Session

Getting excited to capture all your family’s beautiful smiles in a way you’ll be able to cherish forever? You can start the process today. Contact my photo studio to book your Harrisburg outdoor family photography session.

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