Family in All Forms: Nontraditional Family Photos in Harrisburg PA
When you think of family portraits, you probably picture a conventional family, as most of us do: two parents and a few kids. While that’s what most of my family photos in Harrisburg PA look like, every so often I have the joy of photographing a nontraditional family or chosen family. Recently I had that joy in my family photo session with two wonderful best friends and their children and it reminded me of how truly special these types of nontraditional family portraits in Harrisburg PA are.

What Do Nontraditional Family Portraits Look Like?
Nontraditional family portraits can look so many different ways! In this case, it was a mom and her child with her dear friend and her child. It could also be a co-parenting family – children with their parents and stepparents. Or, your photo session could be your traditional family along with someone else who plays a strong role in your family, like your kids’ nanny or an extended family member who lives with you.
Ultimately, your nontraditional family portraits can include anyone who feels like family to you (within reason of course, because a family photo shoot with 20 people is a whole different ball game!). And that’s what makes it so special: it’s the people who are your family in a truly authentic way.

The Beauty of Nontraditional Family Photos in Harrisburg PA
Nontraditional family photo sessions hold a special place in my heart for so many reasons.
First, they honor the relationships in your life that go beyond the bounds of genetics and our typical ideas of family. There’s no reason that your best friends or your cousins, for example, should have the joy of a photography session together just because it’s not a societal tradition (yet).
Second, these sessions celebrate the amazing fact that as people we can form amazing bonds with each other regardless of details like genetics or marriage certificates. Sometimes the most important and meaningful relationships in our life aren’t with our birth family, and in fact, it can be even more special that you and these people found each other in the world and developed such a deep relationship.
Third, I believe that a family photo session is a joy that everyone deserves to have. There are so many people who don’t have close family members or who don’t have a relationship with their family for countless different reasons. A nontraditional family photo session opens the door for all of these people to have the same joy and memories of a family photo shoot that people with traditional families get to enjoy.

Creating Your Own Nontraditional Family Photos in Harrisburg PA
Whoever those people are in your life who are family in your heart, even if they’re not family by blood or marriage, I’d be honored to create stunning portraits for you! Contact Karissa Zimmer Photography and let’s start planning.

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