baby photography in mechanicsburg

Mechanicsburg PA Newborn Photography Tip: Hire the Same Photographer for Each Baby

Welcoming a new baby into your family is a monumental and life-changing time, and that needs to be celebrated and commemorated in a way that will last. What better way to do this than with newborn portraits? Your Mechanicsburg PA newborn photography will create stunning artwork for your home that will forever transport you back to these special memories. Here’s one of my top tips for making the experience even better: hire the same newborn photographer every time. I’ll explain why.

Getting to Know Your Photographer (and Vice Versa)

Photography isn’t a science, it’s an art form. It’s all about capturing the beauty of this moment in time and carrying your family’s spirit and personality into the portraits. As a newborn photographer, I can tell you first-hand that the better I know my clients, the better I can make their portraits special and personal. The client whose beautiful baby girl is featured in this blog, for example, is a returning client. Not only does it make the experience more enjoyable when you already know and are comfortable with your photographer but it lets me bring more of your personality into the shoot.

Consistent Aesthetic Style

As I said, photography is an art form and not a science, and this means that every photographer’s style will be slightly different. If you have a different newborn photographer for each child, you might not realize how different they look until you go to put the portraits next to each other on your wall and they clash. On the other hand, if you work with the same photographer each time, you’ll be able to hang your babies’ portraits together with a consistent and complementary look so you get the full benefit of this custom artwork.

An Easy and Convenient Mechanicsburg PA Newborn Photography

It’s no secret that when you’re pregnant and preparing for a newborn while you already have a child at home, you’re exhausted and don’t have a lot of time or energy to spare. Simply put, going to the same newborn photographer for each child makes the planning and logistics easier for you. You don’t have to comb through portfolios to see whose work you like, you don’t have to vet a photographer or worry about whether they have the skills and newborn safety knowledge to do a good job…all you have to do is reach out to book and you’ll have the process started. It’s a great way to make life easier on yourself.

Booking Your Mechanicsburg PA Newborn Photography

I’d be thrilled to get to know your growing family and create stunning portraits that will become heirlooms for your family. Let’s talk! Contact Karissa Zimmer Photography to learn more.

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Choosing a Sitter Session Photographer for Your Mechanicsburg Baby Photos

Sitter session photography is a favorite for so many parents…and for me too! We get to capture portraits of your adorable baby as their little personality is just starting to show, while they’re still babies and before they become an unstoppable crawling machine. As with any other photo session, though, the results depend so much on whether your photographer is the right fit for you. Here are a few of my top tips for choosing a photographer for your Mechanicsburg baby photos.

Check Out Portfolios

Art is subjective and baby photography is no exception. You want to find a photographer who has the same taste as you and who creates artwork in a style you love. There’s no replacement for looking through photographers’ portfolios and seeing whose style stands out to you and has a look that you want on your wall.

Find Out Their Process for Mechanicsburg Baby Photos

There’s so much more to having a great baby photography experience than just getting great photos. Every photographer has a different process for their client experience. Some focus on efficiency, for example, so the extent of your planning might be a few emails back and forth, and the photo session might be the first time you meet your photographer.

In my case, on the other hand, my process is more collaborative with you. I want to know your vision for your baby’s portraits so I can bring it to life, and I’ll help you with all the details like planning your outfit for the session. We’ll consult before your session to put this all together so that you won’t have a thing to stress about when your photo shoot arrives.

Consider What Items They Supply

This is part of the photography process that differs from one photographer to the next too. For example, I have a client closet full of beautiful outfits and accessories for babies, as well as an excellent stock of props. This makes your life easier because you don’t even have to choose or buy any outfits for your Mechanicsburg baby photos, so you don’t have to worry about finding outfit colors that go with your color scheme, knowing what types of outfits will and won’t photograph well, and so on.

Think About What Other Photo Sessions They Offer

I always recommend to families that when you find a photographer you work well with, keep them! Having the same photographer take your family portraits and your kids’ milestone photos as they grow up will make each session better because we’ll both get to know each other and I’ll know your style and what you like. Plus, all of your portraits will have a similar photographic style so they’ll really look like they’re all chapters of the same story.

But keep in mind that some baby photographers only photograph up to one year old. While it isn’t a deal-breaker, it does help if you can choose a baby photographer who also takes other types of portraits so you can work together as your children grow up.

Selecting Your Photographer for Mechanicsburg Baby Photos

Choosing a photographer isn’t easy but these tips can help you find the perfect fit for your sitter session. To find out if you and I are a great fit for your baby’s portraits, let’s chat! Contact Karissa Zimmer Photography and let’s connect.

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A Baby Boy Cake Smash Session in Mechanicsburg: Why Your Little Boy Deserves One Too

You’ve made it through your baby’s first year! How do you celebrate? Why not with a cake smash photo session? For several reasons, a baby boy cake smash session in Mechanicsburg is a gift that just keeps giving, a birthday celebration you and your family will treasure.

Celebrate a Special Occasion

Your baby’s first birthday is a major milestone! It’s the first of many birthdays you’ll have with them and it’s a time to reflect on all the amazing ways they have changed in a year. A photo session isn’t just a birthday celebration, it’s a birthday celebration that will last forever because the portraits will be a lifelong memento.

Enjoy the Fun, Unique Tradition of a Baby Boy Cake Smash Session in Mechanicsburg

Cake smashes are a hollowed first birthday tradition, and your baby deserves to be part of the fun! As much fun as it is to do a cake smash at your baby’s birthday party, it can be tough to get good pictures of the experience in this setting. A cake smash session gives you the best of both worlds: you can have professional portraits of this fun tradition, but during your baby’s party, you can relax and enjoy the experience.

Complete the Picture of Your Baby’s First Year

Getting pictures of your baby’s most monumental milestones in their first year is something you’ll always be grateful for as a parent. A cake smash photo session is the perfect way to complete that picture, creating a compilation of portraits from this incredible year in your family’s life.

Celebrating Your Little Guy with a Baby Boy Cake Smash Session in Mechanicsburg

If your little boy is turning one year old, a cake smash session is a unique way to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime occasion. If you’re in the Mechanicsburg area, contact Karissa Zimmer Photography today and let’s start planning this beautiful occasion together.

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Carlisle PA Sitter Session Outfits: What You Need to Know

Sitter session photography can create some of the most beautiful, treasured baby portraits you will ever have. Your baby is more alert than they were at their newborn session, able to engage with the session more and showcase their adorable budding personality. But, as with any photo session, parents always have one question for a Carlisle PA sitter session: what should we wear?

Tips for Planning Your Baby’s Sitter Session Outfits

Planning your baby’s sitter session outfits might be easier than you think! If you have a session in the books, follow these tips.

Find Out What Your Carlisle PA Sitter Session Photographer Provides

First things first, when it comes to wardrobe, talk to your photographer and find out what they have available. I have a well-stocked client closet so I can provide all the outfits and accessories you need for your sitter session! You can just come with your baby and your diaper bag.

Some families still want to bring some outfit options of their own too, and if you do, the rest of these tips can help.

Consider the Overall Looks for the Session

Before your photo shoot, I’ll take some time with you to plan and style your session, including the looks and themes you want to incorporate. Whether you’re envisioning a particular theme, a vintage aesthetic, a feminine look, or something classic and timeless, I’ll design your session in a way that captures the look you want along with my artistic style.

If you’re planning to bring some outfits or accessories to add to the selection for the photo shoot, keep that planning conversation in mind. Choose items that align well with the looks we’re going for.

Go for Snug Over Loose

It’s common to buy clothes that are slightly big on your baby because they grow so quickly, and that’s a great strategy for your home wardrobe…but not for a photo session. It’s better to choose pieces that fit your baby well and aren’t too loose on them. Otherwise, the items won’t lay as nicely and will be constantly moving around and needing to be adjusted during the photo shoot.

P.S., here’s a bonus tip: always have your baby try on the outfits you’re bringing to your sitter session a few days in advance. You always want to know for sure how they’ll fit rather than making your best guess.

When in Doubt, Go Neutral

For any baby photography (or any photography in general), you can’t go wrong with neutrals. Every baby looks great in white!

If you don’t go for neutrals, stick with pastels and items that aren’t overly attention-grabbing. Avoid bold patterns, bright colors, and anything else that could take attention away from your baby, unless we’re purposely incorporating a particular look or color scheme that we’ve discussed in your planning session.

Don’t Stress About Your Carlisle PA Sitter Session Outfits - I’ve Got You!

You have a big job at home: raising that adorable little one of yours. Please don’t add to your stress by trying to find beautiful sitter session outfits! I have everything you need. If you have items you love and want to bring to the session, that’s great, but if not, I have enough items to create a beautiful and truly special sitter session for your baby.

Booking Your Carlisle PA Sitter Session

Sitter session photography is an opportunity to get stunning baby photos at this fun time in your baby’s developmental journey, and I’m honored to make this happen for families throughout the Carlisle, Mechanicsburg, and Harrisburg areas. Contact Karissa Zimmer Photography today to book your sitter session and start planning the baby portraits of your dreams.

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Is Harrisburg Sitter Session Photography Worth It?

When you have a beautiful baby at home, calling it “love” doesn’t feel descriptive enough. You’re *obsessed* with your new little one and you absolutely adore watching them grow and discover the world around them. If you want to preserve the memories of this exciting time of life, Harrisburg sitter session photography is a great way to do that.

What Is Sitter Session Photography?

Sitter session photography is a photo session that occurs while your baby is confidently sitting up on their own but isn’t yet crawling confidently. This generally happens around 6-9 months of age.

Benefits of Sitter Session Photography

Why do we choose this particular time in a baby’s first year to take portraits? There are several benefits, actually.

Preserve a Beautiful Developmental Stage

Your baby’s sitter stage is such a fun time in their infancy! With sitting up, they can be more engaged with you and with everything around them, and it’s such a joy to watch their little eyes take it all in.

Flexible Posing Options

A large part of why sitter session photography is so popular is its practicality. We can get a much better variety of poses and portrait options because your baby can sit up on their own and look at the camera. However, they haven’t yet hit the point when they’re mobile and wanting to explore. The sitter stage is a perfect opportunity to get precious baby photos you’ll love for decades without having to chase your baby around the studio.

Capture the First Hints of Baby’s Personality

Compared to their newborn days, your baby is showing so much more personality in their sitter stage! You’re starting to see some of their little mannerisms, expressions, and quirks. Now is a great time to capture those on camera so you can look back on them when your child is older and see when that sweet personality started.

So…Is Harrisburg Sitter Session Photography Worth It?

What’s the verdict? Every family has to answer that for themselves, but for many, the answer is a resounding “yes,” sitter session photography is worth it! To get the ball rolling, contact my Harrisburg photo studio today and let’s chat!

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From a Mechanicsburg Baby Photographer: An Overview of Baby Photo Sessions

When you become a parent, there’s a whole new baby world to learn. You’re trying to figure out everything you need to know about your child’s health, how to make them happy, and how to enjoy this stage of life. You’re learning it as you go, and I’ve been there with you! One of the many parts of baby parenthood for new parents to figure out is baby photography. As a Mechanicsburg baby photographer, I can help.

What photo sessions should you schedule for your baby? What are the key milestones you need to capture? I’m happy to guide you through this world. For starters, I’ve created a basic guide to the top types of baby photo sessions to help you understand your options and what to expect.

Mechanicsburg Baby Photographer

Newborn Photo Session

A newborn photography session is all about capturing the fleeting newborn stage when your baby is at their tiniest and newest. Technically, newborn sessions should take place in the first 14 days of your baby’s life. Sometimes life gets in the way or your baby has a long hospital stay and the session doesn’t happen within 14 days, but we aim for as close to that timeframe as we can.

Your newborn session is often several hours long because we’re on the baby’s timeline. We take most of the photos while they sleep, so when they wake up and need to be fed, changed, or soothed, we take a break. This is also a relaxed session for you, proud parent, because I can take care of everything while you sit back and relax.

Mechanicsburg Baby Photographer

Sitter Session with a Mechanicsburg Baby Photographer

A sitter session is a photo session when your baby is comfortably able to sit up on their own – usually around 6-9 months. This is a popular photo opportunity for a few reasons.

First, your baby is able to sit up and give us adorable smiles but they aren’t yet walking so they’re easier to keep in one place. Second, we get to highlight your baby’s new skill and show it off so you’ll have mementos of these proud moments forever. Third, your baby is starting to show the first hints of their personality, so we get to put their precious little quirks front and center.

Mechanicsburg Baby Photographer

One-Year Session/Cake Smash Session

Your baby’s first birthday is an incredible milestone, and there’s no better way to celebrate than to preserve this exciting moment! That’s what a one-year photo session, first birthday photo session, or cake smash session does.

The cake smash is a tradition for one-year baby photos. Your baby gets to dig into a birthday cake and get messy like babies do, and we capture all the gooey fun on camera.

Keep in mind that one-year photography sessions tend to be hands-on for you as a parent. Kids at this age are very mobile and energetic, and as much as we all love to see that fun, vibrant spirit on camera, it does mean I’ll need your help to keep them in place and happy.

Mechanicsburg Baby Photographer

Milestone Photo Sessions with a Mechanicsburg Baby Photographer

Milestone photo sessions are less specific than most other baby photography sessions because you can do them at any point you want. While newborn, sitter, and one-year sessions are designed for precise times of your baby’s life, you can opt for a milestone photo session for any milestone.

For example, many families like to have a photo story of their baby’s first year, so they schedule a newborn session, 3-month milestone session, 6-month sitter session, 9-month milestone session, and one-year session.

You could even make milestone sessions more personal and use them to celebrate unique achievements or landmarks in your baby’s life. For example, you could do a milestone session to celebrate the last of a series of surgeries to repair a congenital health condition, or to celebrate your baby’s first steps or first word.

Mechanicsburg Baby Photographer

Navigating the World of Baby Photos with Your Mechanicsburg Baby Photographer

My hope is that you now feel more informed and comfortable with baby photography and the sessions you can choose to preserve memories of your baby’s first year. Remember, you can choose as many or as few photo sessions as you want – there are no rules and it’s all about giving yourself the gift of these memories! A trusted Mechanicsburg baby photographer like myself can guide you along the way.

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8 Things Your Mechanicsburg PA Newborn Photographer Wants You to Know

Your baby is only a tiny newborn for a matter of weeks, and newborn photography is the perfect way to preserve little pieces of this special time for you to treasure for a lifetime. I’ve been a Mechanicsburg PA newborn photographer for nearly 20 years, and I can tell you that we want you to absolutely love your baby portraits!

How can you get the best possible photos (and make your session go smoothly too)? I’ve laid out a few bits of advice your Mechanicsburg PA newborn photographer wants you to know.

Your Newborn Will Guide the Session

Every baby is different – they’re comfortable in certain positions over others, they’re willing to indulge us for certain poses or they aren’t, etc. We go with your baby’s flow during your session, taking breaks when they need breaks and sometimes acknowledging that they don’t want to give us a particular portrait or pose. Know that we can’t guarantee that all your dream poses will be possible.

Your Baby Will Be Safe with a Specialized Mechanicsburg PA Newborn Photographer

Newborn photographers need to be trained specifically in safe posing for newborn babies. Feel free to ask your photographer about their expertise with posing safety for newborns. We won’t be offended and we want you to rest easy knowing that your baby is safe.

We Love Inspiration Photos! But Try to Pull Them from Our Gallery

A photographer’s goal is to create portraits you love, so it’s fantastic when you can show us some photos to give us an idea of your taste. Try to look for inspiration in your photographer’s gallery, though. Photography is an art form, so there is some ethical gray area if you show us another photographer’s work and want us to recreate it. Plus, we may not have the supplies to make it happen

Messes are Normal

You might notice that you don’t usually see diapers in newborn photos, but babies don’t stop having bodily functions for their photo session. Messes happen often, and that’s okay! Don’t be embarrassed because I promise you, we’ve seen it all. Do bring an extra outfit for yourself, though, especially if you’ll be in photos with your baby.

Yes, You Really Can Relax During Your Session

Take a load off, Momma! Exhaustion is an unavoidable part of having a newborn, but your newborn photography session is a chance to rest. Baby photographers have plenty of tricks for soothing your baby, and we’ll let you know if we need you to hop in to feed or soothe your baby, but for the most part, you can take a break and even grab a nap in the studio.

We Love When You Post Your Pics on Instagram, but Please Credit Your Mechanicsburg PA Newborn Photographer

When parents love their child’s newborn photos enough to share them with the world on social media, it always brings a smile to my face. I’m thrilled that you love your portraits! Please remember to credit your photographer, though, because the portraits are copyright-protected as original artwork.

Our Preparation Guides Benefit You, Us, and Your Baby

When you book your photo session, your Mechanicsburg PA newborn photographer will probably send you a preparation guide. This could include a list of things to bring, tips for making sure your baby is sleeping and in the ideal mood for their session, and so on.

These guides are the result of years of experience and trial and error in creating the best circumstances for your photo session. They’re our best way to get a smooth, stress-free session for you, your baby, and everyone involved, so please take some time to read through them and follow the suggestions.

We Really Do Love to Hear Your Thoughts

You and your photographer are a team – we both have the same goal of creating stunning newborn photos you’ll be able to enjoy forever. As on any team, communication is key. We really do want to hear your thoughts, ideas, and questions both before and during your session. In addition, if you have any concerns about a pose or anything else during your session, please let us know because your comfort is important to us.

A Final Note from Your Mechanicsburg PA Newborn Photographer

Getting fantastic newborn photos is a matter of teamwork. I promise you that your photographer is just as motivated as you are to create newborn portraits you love, and the insights above are designed to make that happen. You are the reason we do what we do! If you haven’t booked your Mechanicsburg PA newborn photographer yet, contact my photo studio today and we can start planning your session for truly magical portraits.

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